Welcome back to my blog and today I wanted to share with you some cards I made using the Beauty of the Earth suite of products.
Yesterday morning I woke up quite early and couldn’t get back to sleep so decided I would get up and get creating for my class that I had that morning. Nothing like creating at the last minute!
So I went onto trusty Pinterest to search for the suite Beauty of the Earth. After a very short search I found some inspiration from Glenda Calkins (The Stamp Camp) and copied her card and then continued to create 3 more cards to round out my class, adding a rotation of the layout for two of the cards.
Do you create at the last minute or are you a prepare in advance type of person?
I usually like to create well in advance but I am finding more and more that I am creating last minute. There is so much going on with my husbands business that I am not finding as much time as I would like to get creating with my own.
#BeautyofFriendship #BeautyoftheEarth #CraftBundle #VersatileCraftBundle #StampinUpBundles #westpennanthills #stampinwithsharon #stampinupdemoaustralia #stampinupdemonstrator #cardclasseswestpennanthills #lastminutecardprep
Below is a list of products that I used to create these gorgeous cards.
Product List