I run various events throughout the year. There are team events, Retreats, classes, Stampin’ Socials and Facebook Lives.
Facebook Lives
Each Friday I hold a Facebook Live on my Stampin with Sharon business facebook page. You can tune and watch at 10am every Friday.
My facebook lives are free to watch and if you happen to miss it at the time you can watch it at a later time that is convenient for you.
Team Meetings
I have an amazing team of ladies that love to craft and encourage each other. I hold team events twice a month.
The first Thursday of the month via Zoom at 7.30pm is our Training meeting. This is a time where I share what promotions are happening, reminders, team achievements and more.
The third Sunday of the month via Zoom at 7.30pm is our come, chat and craft meeting. This is a very relaxed event to catch up with others in the team and craft together.
ProCRAFTinators Retreat
I hold two Retreats each year in April and in November. My retreats are a 2 or 3 night get away with loads of goody’s included.
Creative Escape
Creative Escape is a one day event held in Pennant Hills in Sydney. It is for the crafty person that just needs to take some time out of the everyday to be creative and chat with other like minded crafty people.
The day will be 6 hours of Crafting, Creativity and FUN!